Revitalize your health.
Hormones serve as the foundation for numerous vital functions in our daily lives. When hormones fall out of equilibrium, a variety of symptoms may arise, including weight fluctuations, hot flashes, mood swings, and fatigue. These imbalances can stem from various factors, ranging from menopause to autoimmune disorders.
Through Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy at Voxy Aesthetics & Wellness in Northwest Arkansas, you can reclaim your energy and rejuvenate your overall health.

What it treats
Hormonal imbalance can be the result of aging, lifestyle changes, environment, and, genetics.
- Fatigue
- Low Libido
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Hair Loss
- Difficulty Urinating
- Lack of Focus
- Muscle Loss
- Weight Gain
- Insomnia
- Hot Flashes
- Night Sweats
- ...and more
Balance Your Hormones Naturally with BHRT.
BHRT for Women
book nowAs we age, hormones decline naturally. For women, pre-menopause can start in their 30s. Hormone imbalance occurs before hot flashes, often by 10 to 15 years. Listen to your body. If you feel off, you might be like many women in their 30s, 40s, and beyond who:
- Lack motivation and feel tired
- Gain unexplained weight (especially belly fat)
- Have frequent mood swings
- Feel anxious or depressed
- Struggle with brain fog and insomnia
- Wonder why their sexual desire has decreased
If you relate to these symptoms, Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Pellet Therapy, is highly effective.
BHRT for men
book nowLow testosterone, commonly referred to as low T or andropause, is a condition often associated with men in their middle age. Research indicates that by the age of 45, nearly 40 percent of men may encounter symptoms of low testosterone. The decline in testosterone typically begins in a man's late 20s and progresses gradually. By the time men reach 40, many start noticing signs of andropause or low testosterone. Unfortunately, many men dismiss these symptoms as just a part of aging and may delay seeking treatment or avoid it altogether.
However, ignoring low testosterone can pose serious risks to men's health. Numerous studies have highlighted the correlation between low testosterone levels and an increased risk of various diseases. Seeking treatment to achieve hormonal balance can significantly reduce this risk and promote overall well-being. Schedule an appointment to get started!
What to expect
Hormone pellet therapy offers a straightforward, natural, and highly effective path to hormone balance.
It stands as a safe alternative to synthetic hormone treatments. With a quick, simple procedure involving a small incision and pellet insertion under the skin, usually in the buttocks area, this therapy allows hormones to naturally metabolize in your body. These pellets dissolve into your bloodstream without leaving any residue behind.
Unlike the hassle of daily pills, patches, or creams, pellet insertion takes just a few minutes in the office, with minimal recovery time. Most patients find superior results compared to traditional hormone replacement methods. Typically, only three to four pellet injections per year are needed on average to restore and sustain hormone levels, promoting a rejuvenated, energetic, and vibrant life.
How do hormone pellets work?
During an appointment with your Voxy Wellness healthcare provider, pellets are inserted under the skin near the hip or buttocks area. Once in place, these pellets steadily release hormones over 5 to 6 months, adapting to your activity and stress levels, mirroring the natural hormone cycle. This unique attribute prevents the peaks and valleys often experienced with other forms of hormone replacement therapy. You no longer have to remember to take a pill each day or risk transference as you do with creams or gels.
Does low testosterone cause long term health risks in men?
Untreated low testosterone levels can pose numerous long-term health risks. Men with low testosterone are prone to weight gain and muscle weakness. Chronic weight gain and obesity, in turn, heighten the risk of cardiovascular problems and can escalate the likelihood of developing diabetes.
Can BHRT help me lose weight?
While BHRT isn't a quick fix for shedding pounds, optimizing hormones often kick-starts weight-loss endeavors. BHRT can boost energy levels, enhance sleep quality, promote muscle growth and fat burning, and lower cortisol levels, which are linked to belly fat and type 2 diabetes. So, if you've been grappling with those last stubborn 5 or 10 pounds, harnessing the increased energy and weight loss benefits of BHRT might just be the breakthrough you've been waiting for.